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  • salli ergonomische sattelstühle
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Relaxed working in the dental practice

Working without strain on the back is particularly important in dental practices, because doctors and teams cannot afford long downtimes due to back problems. Saddle chairs for dentists that have been specially developed for the ergonomic needs of dental work and assistance support an anatomically and physiologically correct posture. This relieves back and joints much more effectively than a dental stool could. During long sessions such as preparations or implantology, the doctor and assistant remain relaxed and concentrated, ensuring a perfect treatment result.

How should a suitable chair be for dental work?

Dentist example

Depending on patient size and type of treatment, the dental treatment unit must be adjusted to different heights and positions. Both the doctor and the dental assistant need a clear view of the treatment site at all times, freedom of movement and must sit so securely that no slipping is possible. Patient-friendly treatment and precise working are the minimum requirements in dentistry, and the correct working position plays a decisive role in this.

The correct chair offers an optimal resting position for the pelvis and allows an angle of about 135° for hips and knees. Even the smallest corrections in the sitting position of the dentist and assistant must be made fluently. Saddle chairs for dentists have proven to be the optimal solution for low-torque and moving sitting.

Who makes such chairs?

Saddle chairs for dentists from Salli, a company based in Finland, have proven successful. A five-year guarantee and high-quality materials, the seats are covered with Finnish cowhide leather, ensure high quality, which supports you effectively in your everyday life. Various designs, such as the Mulitadjuster or the SwingFit offer many individual settings.

Prevent back damage, minimize sickness rates

Active sitting trains the back muscles and prevents cramps and tension which, if chronic, can even lead to the end of a professional career. In this way, the herniated disc, which is widespread in the industry, can also be effectively prevented. As saddle chairs for dentists resonate, they enable the sensitive intervertebral discs to recover again and again from unfavourable pressures and thus avoid long-term damage.

Many dental assistants complain more and more about back and joint problems with increasing professional years. Long periods of illness or limited resilience are the result. Often there is also a change of profession because the physiological strain of the profession is too high. This problem is significantly minimized with saddle chairs for dentists. Likewise, secondary findings such as headaches, neck complaints or wear and tear in the shoulders, wrists or knees are significantly limited by suboptimal working postures. Costs due to the absence of assistants or even the dentist herself are thus reduced.

What makes the saddle chair for dentists special?

As the name suggests, you sit on the two halves of the Salli saddle chair, similar to a riding saddle. The seat halves can be adjusted individually, so that back-friendly work is also possible in a bent posture. The statement of a user here speaks for itself:

"The Salli saddle chair is super and well received by us. I don't want to miss it anymore. The Multiadjuster should be as natural for dentists as mirror and probe."
Dr. Jan-W. Harders, Practice for Aesthetic Dentistry, Emden.

Even long treatment sessions, which are quite normal in implantology, can be carried out stress-free without the back of the practitioner and with him the quality of the work suffers. The SwingFit and Multiadjuster models from Salli are particularly recommended for dentistry because they allow a wide range of individual adjustment options. With the aid of gas springs, the settings can be adjusted smoothly and steplessly, which also allows minor corrections to be made without seriously disturbing the patient's conversation. The quick and uncomplicated adjustability also allows several team members to use one chair.

Gain for physician, team and patients

Saddle chairs for dentists are an enrichment for quality, efficiency and working climate in every dental practice. Anyone who already knows in the morning that he or she will leave the workplace at the latest in the evening with back pain will have some problems over time to maintain motivation and enjoyment at work. This has a significant influence on quality and thus on patient satisfaction. Saddle chairs for dentists not only protect the health of the doctor and his team, but also contribute to the success of the practice.

Sitzdruck im Vergleich

Sitzdruck im vergleich

Diese Thermoaufnahmen demonstrieren die Druckverteilung auf dem zweigeteilte Sattelstuhl (oben), dem Classic-Sattelstuhl (mitte) und einem herkömmlicher Bürostuhl (unten).

Wir bieten fast auschließlich geteilte Sattelsühle an, weil diese den Druck auf die Genitalien stark vermindern. Auch der einteilige Sattelstuhl reduziert den Druck auf die Oberschenkel und erlaubt somit - im Gegensatz zu einem herkömmlichen Bürostuhl - eine bessere Durchblutung der Beine. Stattdessen ist aber der Druck auf den Genitalien durch das vorgelagerte Becken höher, was auf Dauer zu einem ungesunden Hitzestau führt.

Deshalb bieten wir fast auschließlich geteilte Sattelsühle an - von Salli Systems aus Finnland. Dort wurde der zweigeteilte Sitz zuerst entwickelt und ist stets weiterentwickelt worden.

Polsterung der Salli – Sattelstühle:
Grundsätzlich gilt, dass zu weiche Stühle nicht von Vorteil sind, da der Mensch im Bauch und im Gesäß kaum Gleichgewichtsrezeptoren hat, um den Körper in der Balance halten zu können. Etwas härtere Sitzflächen geben der guten ergonomischen Sitzhaltung den Halt um den Körper auch in optimaler Position belassen zu können.
Auf den zweigeteilten SALLI – Sattelsitzen verteilt sich das Gewicht schwerpunktmäßig auf die Oberschenkel und die Sitzbeinhöcker. – Für viele ist die Polsterung der SALLI – Sattelsitze ausreichend gepolstert. Es gibt aber auch nicht wenige Personen, die es bevorzugen, wenn die Stühle eine stärkere Polsterung - vom Hersteller zusätzlich aufgepolstert – haben. Diese Polsterung wird im Vergleich zur einfachen Polsterung als angenehmer empfunden, ohne, dass diese Sitzflächen von Nachteil sind, da sie wiederum nicht zu weich sind. Sie sind nach unseren Erfahrungen optimal vom Hersteller gepolstert.


Original-SALLI-Sattelstühle bieten wir für unsere Kunden standardmäßig mit bestmöglicher Polsterung ( außer Naturemodelle )  an.

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